
Monday, March 24, 2014

Requiring Password to Access Single User Mode

system configuration - Red Hat based systems

Prior to Fedora 19 Red Hat systems did not require a password for single-user mode access by default.  The following covers the procedure to require a password for single-user mode access on earlier Red Hat systems.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Changing Hostname on Red Hat & Fedora

system configuration - Red Hat based systems

For many years Red Hat systems have used the same approach for configuration of the hostname.  Starting with RHEL 7 and Fedora 18 there is a new procedure for changing the hostname that represents a significant break with this tradition.  There are now multiple hostname classes and a new command to manage them.  This new password scheme is a component of systemd.

The legacy and new configuration procedures required to make a permanent hostname change on current Red Hat and Fedora systems is covered below.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

How to Disable CTRL-ALT-DELETE

system configuration - Red Hat based systems

The behavior of CTRL-ALT-DELETE is determined by the system initialization process.  There have been significant changes in how system initialization and management has been implemented in recent years.  There are 3 seperate implemenetations in use on current Red Hat based systems.  The oldest is SysVinit, the traditional System V init process, which is used on RHEL5.  On RHEL6 this was succeeded by Upstart.  Upstart was replaced with systemd in recent Fedora releases and RHEL7.  The procedure to disable CTRL-ALT-DELETE for each of these is summarized below.